OutreachFacility tours

The RIKEN Yokohama Campus offers tours of its large-scale facilities for educational institutions.

- Tours may be suspended when there are safety management or infectious disease concerns.
- For FY2024, we will stop accepting tours during the following periods
October 28 (Monday) *For RIKEN Foundation Day holiday
November 5 (Tue.) - November 22 (Fri.) *For preparation of RIKEN Yokohama openday, etc.
12/28 (Sat.) - 1/5 (Sun.) *For the year-end and New Year holidays

Target groups Educational institutions (high schools, universities, professional training colleges, etc.) and organization with a focus on science and technology education.
Note:Tours are not provided to individuals
For high schools, students should be studying topics related to our research and should be self-directed in their approach to learning.
Number of participants Maximum of 40 people
Availability/length of tour 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. or 1:30–3:30 p.m. on a weekday
Tours are 90 minutes or less, depending on the itinerary.
Tours are not available on weekends or national holidays.
Languages Japanese or English
Cost Free
How to apply An organizational representative should submit the application 2–4 months before the desired tour date.
For specifics, please see How to Apply below.
Note that the applying organization will also be asked to submit a report outlining how students were prepared for the tour.
Other options Please confirm the activities of each center in advance of applying.
In some cases, it may not be possible to accommodate the requested date or itinerary due to research activities or events.

Tour Itinerary Examples


Center for Integrative Medical Sciences

Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research

Center for Substainable Resource Science

Up to 10 - 20 person / visit

Up to 10 - 20 person / visit

Up to 5 or 10 person / visit

Flow from Application to Tour Date

  • Submission of application
    Fill out the application (PDF file) and submit by email
  • Receipt of application
    RIKEN Yokohama confirms the application and contacts the applicant
  • Confirmation of tour itinerary
    RIKEN Yokohama provides an itinerary for the day and other information (e.g., number of groups)
  • Submisstion of required information
    The applicant submits a participant list and an emergency contact person, status of studies and preparatory report for the tour
  • Day of the tour
    Five minutes before the scheduled start time, inform the guard station of your group’s arrival and wait in front of the entrance to the Main Office Building.

How to Apply

An application should be submitted 2–4 months in advance of the desired tour date by a representative of the educational institution.
Example: For a tour date of December 20, an application will be accepted from August 1.
Applications more than four months in advance cannot be accepted.

Confirm rules and submit application

Read and understand the following notes and press the button at the bottom for the application form. Upon completion, submit the form by email to inquire_yvisit [at] riken.jp. *[at] is to be changed to [@].

  • - Facility tours at RIKEN Yokohama Campus are for educational institutions. We do not accept applications from commercial institutions.
  • - Apply through this site. We will respond to each application. No need of prior meeting for tour confirmation.
  • - Participants (students) must be accompanied by a school representative (teacher).
    Leaving or joining the tour partway through is not allowed.
  • - Tour members should not come individually to the Yokohama Campus by car or motorcycle.
  • - Do not come to Yokohama Campus by car or motorcycle.
  • - No drinking or eating is allowed during the tour, and the campus cafeteria will not be available to participants.
  • - Smoking is prohibited everywhere on the Yokohama Campus grounds.

Application Form(PDF)


General Affairs Section Yokohama Administrative Division RIKEN Yokohama
Email: inquire_yvisit@riken.jp

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